Rod McFain


Set in the Jazz Age, The Marvelous Maggie lets you experience the joy and heartache of being a talented musician and vocalist with dreams as big as the sky. Novelist Rod McFain has done his homework. The novel is colorful and entertaining, with historical events woven into its pages. Maggie and Elliot are strong, independent characters as they journey through life together. Maggie has always been an intelligent, strong-willed girl who wants to become a star. 

Enjoying a comfortable lifestyle, Maggie and Elliott meet the Fitzgeralds on a cruise to Paris, where they become close friends.   It is hard to put this book down because it draws you into the characters; the age, the glamor, and later, the elite of Hollywood. 

This novel shows there is a price you pay for fame and the demands of Hollywood. It also takes you down a love-filled path of lovers, soulmates, and friends. It is full of new and exciting action with every turn of the page. It’s so good I will read it again. I loved it!

Linda Dawson

Bravo to the author for bringing Maggie O’Sullivan to life in such a vivid and authentic manner! ‘The Magnificent Maggie’ is a triumph of storytelling, weaving together romance, adventure, and social commentary seamlessly.

Grace Scott

Prepare to be dazzled by ‘The Magnificent Maggie’! With its vibrant setting and dynamic characters, this novel captures the essence of an era defined by its excesses and contradictions. A true gem of historical fiction.

Harper Nguyen

The Magnificent Maggie” brims with spirited exchanges, showcasing Maggie’s unwavering determination and independence. Despite her father’s disapproval and challenging attitude, Maggie’s fiery resolve to chart her path and defy societal expectations shines through. The story navigates themes of familial tension, personal identity, and celebration, a lively graduation party filled with music, laughter, and illicit revelry. The author paints a vibrant portrait of Maggie’s world through witty dialogue and engaging scenes, inviting readers to root for her self-discovery and defiance against societal constraints. The author crafts compelling characters and weaves an immersive narrative that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages.

Dave France

The Magnificent Maggie” offers a glimpse into the life of Maggie O’Sullivan, an opinionated Gaelic girl in 1920. The novel brims with vibrant characters and engaging dialogue that bring the era to life. Maggie’s dynamic interactions with C.J. Elliott create a charming and intriguing atmosphere, making a promising start to a historical romance. The author’s attention to detail and authenticity enriches the novel, making Maggie a compelling and memorable protagonist. From the beginning, the story is filled with love, ambition, and historical charm.

Sandy Cooper

A mesmerizing tale of love, ambition, and resilience set against the backdrop of the Roaring Twenties. ‘The Magnificent Maggie’ is a captivating read that will keep you turning the pages late into the night.

William Campbell

I couldn’t put ‘The Magnificent Maggie’ down! The protagonist, Maggie, is a fierce and compelling character who defies societal norms with her wit and courage. A delightful read that transports you to the dazzling world of the Jazz Age.

Evelyn Young

A delightful romp through the Jazz Age with Maggie as your spirited guide! ‘The Magnificent Maggie’ is both entertaining and thought-provoking, offering a fresh perspective on the challenges faced by women in the 1920s.

Abigail Taylor

Maggie’s journey from small-town girl to Jazz Age icon is both exhilarating and heartbreaking. ‘The Magnificent Maggie’ is a captivating read that will stay with you long after you turn the final page.

Madison Barnes


Enjoyable and excellent read. Surprisingly loved it. I’m not a huge Western fan, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. The characters and their dynamics pulled me in, the action was always fun and never lagged, and I never realized how fascinating the Wyoming world of the 1800’s could be. There’s war, horse training, ranching, relationships, and an ever-present edginess with the Native American tribes surrounding everything. The author did a great job of painting the picture of a realistic historical world that felt real and never got boring. I’d recommend this read to anyone looking for something that’s not too intense but is a fun, quick read with loads of enjoyable scenes and an overall satisfying story.

Richard Bailey